Volunteer Frequently Asked Questions

Quick Links:

Individual | Group | Construction | ReStore

 Individual Volunteer questions

+ How do I get started?

The first step to volunteering is completing our Volunteer interest form.

+ I don't want to build, is there a place for me at Habitat?

Definitely! Habitat has a variety of needs for volunteers, including help in our ReStore, office, with photography, speaking at events, and more! If you have a specific volunteer interest, please contact us at KnoxCountyHabitat@hfhknoxoh.org

+ Is there a minimum volunteer age?

Yes. Volunteers must be at least 16 years of age to volunteer. volunteers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult 21 or older at a five-to-one ratio. Youth cannot operate power tools or work at heights above six feet. Volunteers under the age of 18 will need to have their waiver signed by a parent/guardian. Please click here to download our waiver.

+ Can I complete my court-ordered community service with Habitat?

Yes. Our ReStore has volunteer opportunities for those needing to fulfill court ordered service. Please click here for more information.

 Group Volunteer Questions

+ What volunteer opportunities are there for groups?

Groups can volunteer in our ReStore, on a build site, or help with special projects or events.

+ How many people can volunteer in a group?

Typically we welcome groups of 10-12 people at our ReStore and groups of 5-8 people at our build sites. However, some projects or build days require smaller or larger numbers. Please let us know how many people you have in your group and we will let you know if we have a project for your group!

+ Our group wants to work on a build site, how can we do that?

Habitat for Humanity of Knox County typically builds 1 home a year between March and November so our build days are limited. Please let us know your group's interest and we will work with you on being added to our build schedule. We also have our A Brush with Kindness program that is active is the spring and fall that is great for groups looking to get out and work with their hands!

+ How do we schedule our group?

Please complete our Group Volunteer Interest Form. We will review it and contact you to see what projects we have that best fit your group's interest.

 Construction Volunteer Questions

+When is the greatest need for volunteers on a build site?

Habitat of Knox County Ohio's build season typically runs from March - November. Weekdays are our greatest need for volunteers to keep our build schedule on track!

+What size group can volunteer on a build site?

Typically Habitat can accommodate crews of six to ten people per house, depending on the phase of construction.

+What is the minimum age to volunteer on a build site?

Volunteers must be at least 16 years of age to volunteer. All volunteers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult 21 or older at a five-to-one ratio. Youth cannot operate power tools or work at heights above six feet. Volunteers under the age of 18 will need to have their waiver signed by a parent/guardian. Please click here for the waiver.

+ Are construction shifts rain or shine?

Yes. On the off chance there is a construction site cancellation, your group leader will be contacted by someone from Habitat. If no one from Habitat contacts you, the project will continue as planned.

+ Are volunteers required to wear safety gear?

Yes, volunteers will be required to wear safety goggles at all times, and hard hats through the drywall phase. Work gloves and ear protection are also highly recommended.

+ Do I need to bring my own tools?

Tools will be provided for you unless you prefer to bring your own. If you do bring your own tools, please label them, so that you are sure to get them back.

+ What if I'm not skilled at construction work?

You do not need to be skilled with construction or have previous experience prior to volunteering. There will be house and crew leads on the build site to teach you everything you will need to know!

+What is the time commitment for construction?

Construction requires a full day time commitment of 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Habitat typically builds Tuesday-Saturday.

+ What should I wear?

Please wear clothing that you do not mind getting dirty or possibly damaged. Sturdy, hard-soled, closed-toed, closed-heeled shoes are required. No sandals or slip-on shoes allowed. Pants are recommended, but shorts are acceptable in warm weather.

+When is the greatest need for volunteers on a build site?

Habitat of Knox County Ohio's build season typically runs from March - November. Weekdays are our greatest need for volunteers to keep our build schedule on track!

+ What size group can volunteer on a build site?

Typically Habitat can accommodate crews of six to ten people per house, depending on the phase of construction.

 ReStore Volunteer Questions

+ How do I get started?

Those interested in volunteering at the ReStore will need to complete our Volunteer Interest Form. Our ReStore Manager will contact you to provide further details regarding volunteer roles and scheduling.

+ How old do you need to be to volunteer in Habitat's ReStore?

Volunteers must be at least 16 years old. Volunteers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult 21 or older at a five-to-one ratio. Youth cannot operate power tools or work at heights above six feet. Volunteers under the age of 18 will need to have their waiver signed by a parent/guardian. Click here for the waiver.

+ What is the time commitment for the ReStore?

The ReStore welcomes volunteers between 9am - 5pm Friday and Saturday and various times during the weekday. Volunteers can put in a full day or a few hours at the ReStore.

+ What will I do at the ReStore?

Volunteers help us keep a clean, organized ReStore to create a fantastic shopping experience and a positive donor experience. Duties, just like our merchandise, change daily, but generally involve cleaning, loading, and testing donations.

+ What should I wear?

Please wear clothing that you do not mind getting dirty or possibly damaged. Sturdy, hard-soled, closed-toed, closed-heeled shoes are required. No sandals or slip-on shoes allowed. Pants are recommended, but shorts are acceptable.

+ What size group can volunteer in the ReStore?

Groups of 12 people or less can volunteer in the ReStore. All youth groups must be accompanied by an adult 21 or older in a five-to-one ratio.